APPreciation Society

As an insulin pumper with what I consider to be my mechanical pancreas, technology plays a large part in my life. Technology is what has given me this new way of delivering insulin, it's what gives me a pin point measurement for my blood sugars and is what informs the hospital of my blood sugar average for the last 6 months.

On my travels to YLAG and the IDF camp in Italy I shared and learnt about a lot of different helpful tips and hints with other people with diabetes. Some of them were based on diabetes care and management, but a lot of them were just shared in the hope of making each others lives easier. One trend that seems to be developing amongst young people with diabetes, is the use of app's in the management of their diabetes care. I even saw a blood testing machine that connected straight into an i-phone, and kept a record of blood sugar readings.

A funny app I saw that I believe is just available in the US at the moment is 'My Sugr', which is a tamagotchi style app where if you put in the correct amount of carbohydrate that you're eating. Along with your blood sugar reading and insulin measurements. Then if your blood sugars are good you feed the monster good things and he gets smaller throughout the day- so that you are 'beating' your diabetes monster daily. You can even name him or her, some people name them after people they don't like for that little bit extra encouragement.

A particularly helpful app that I was told about by one of my fellow YPP and YLAG members was the I.C.E application- In Case of Emergency. As people with diabetes sometimes we might find ourselves in emergency situations, for example collapsing from a hypo in a place where people don't know you have the condition. This app allows you to add a photo of yourself and your ICE details of your next of kin, and their contact number to the home screen of your home. The ICE details show as soon as the phone lights up and without having to enter the code to unlock the pin. As it's all well and good to put emergency numbers in your phone, but chances are that if something happens the person who finds your phone won't have the pin. This app has the added benefit of if your phone were to get lost then you might stand a chance at getting the phone returned with this application too.


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My blog takes you through a daily look at sport, diabetes and everything in between. As an athlete that lives with type 1 diabetes I want to let you into news, views and all that is important to both of my passions.

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