Top Notch Toe Tec!

So here's a question, what's better than high performance footwear for people with diabetes who love sport? Colourful socks for people with diabetes of course, and that's what I've been wearing this month.

As anyone who follows my Instagram account will know, I love wearing matching training kit. But now it's possible to match my socks to my kit too, with the added benefit of supporting the diabetes element of my feet. Well that sounds like a win to me!

I really like the length of Toe Tec socks, as because I'm tall (5ft 10) sometimes there can be a gap between my running shoes and my leggings, leaving my ankles exposed. In the past I've had achilles niggles and find that the tendon is so much more mobile and flexible when it's warm. Toe tec socks are long enough to cover just past my ankle bone, but not so high as to get in the way. They're also cleverly woven to create warmth, but dispel moisture.

The fit of Toe Tec is not as close as Protect iT socks comparatively, but as you can see from the photos. They are smooth and ergonomically considered enough fit to allow me to grip the ground hard when doing power exercises such as harness runs. And you can see from the grimace on my coach's face that he's not going easy on me I can tell you!

Keep an eye out on my social media channels in the next week as I'll be joining Protect iT/ Toe Tec for a running photoshoot for their official product launch. So you can sprint ahead and get a good luck at the great range of colours available in Toe Tec socks. But if you really can't wait until then, they're available on the website!

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post


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My blog takes you through a daily look at sport, diabetes and everything in between. As an athlete that lives with type 1 diabetes I want to let you into news, views and all that is important to both of my passions.

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