It's been incredible how quickly time has flown since the last one, but tonight was the first Community Come Dine with me event of 2017, bringing the Cardiff community together to share a meal and good conversation. This month's meal was supported by our local Tesco Extra, who kindly donated an abundance of the food that would have otherwise of gone to waste, so that we could make it into a culinary sensation for 70 people!
Vegetable Tagine Prep |
On the menu this time was a beautiful vegetable and turkey tagine with a hint of spice, made by the staff and fellow volunteers of STAR communities first, who regularly work in the community to also facilitate weekly breakfast clubs for people in food poverty. I was on the dessert and garnish kitchen section making some healthy sweets for after the meal and a salad to accompany it.
Potato Wedge Prep |
The STAR community leaders had done an incredible job of decorating the community centre too, draping bunting and laying long tables that enable people who might be friends or who might have never met before, to chat together and share a meal. Decorations also included a 'Tree of Thanks', the idea of which created by Lucy one of the amazing STAR leaders, was to write on a decoration the things that we have to be thankful for.
L-R - Me, and Lucy and Katie the fabulous STAR community leaders |
This time there was even a raffle at the end of the night, with incredibly prizes also donated from Tesco. Which was just part of what made the evening such an incredible success. There was also the fact that more members of the community had been fed by the project that ever before! People were even able to go home with extra food for their next few meals, which makes the Community Come Dine such a positive change in the community.
Dessert |
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