I shouldn't be, but I am still so often surprised by the way that when you meet a total stranger, and they have type 1 diabetes as well. There's an instant spark of recognition, in terms of the journey you've been on with getting to grips with the condition. In the UK, our diabetes stories can even be quite similar, not always, but many of us were diagnosed in hospital or the GP. Put onto an insulin regime, and manage our blood glucose levels with multiple tests a day.
But it was when I started travelling abroad, with other people with diabetes, that I started to notice the similarities and differences in the way that we are provided with the tools that enable us to manage our conditions. For example, in the UK and specifically in Wales where I live, we don't have to pay for any of our prescription medication. So although it's taken a little explanation of my condition by the diabetes specialist to my GP who issues the prescriptions. I would now say that I have the right amount of insulin that I need and my glucose strips, so that I'm not worried about where the next ones might come from and I'm in no way rationing my use of them. Which is an essential element of good diabetes care in my opinion, because CGM aside, glucose testing and taking our insulin are the fundamental ways in which we control and regulate our diabetes.
But what if we were in a situation where the medication that we need, to keep us alive wasn't available? If you had to walk miles to even get the medication and had no way to keep it stored at the right temperature. Or, if there was a stigma around your condition through a lack of awareness and you were treated differently because of it? These are all things that are happening to children with diabetes all over the world, which is why the International Diabetes Federation started the 'Life of a Child' programme a few years ago. To address health inequalities concerning children with diabetes.
So this Valentine's Day they ask that we spare a rose and save a child with diabetes.
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