When someone is diagnosed with diabetes they can feel very alone. They've been told that they've got this new and scary condition that they're yet to learn anything about, and I think diagnosis can create so many unanswered questions, such as what does the future hold? Am I different now? What will people think of me? But actually, with the distance of a few years reflection, I came to realise that I was never alone during my diagnosis.
Me, my new husband and my dad waiting for the result of a ketone test- as the emotion of the day had impacted my BG levels |
I realised this by thinking about the people who were standing next to me when I got my diagnosis; my mum and dad, who were the same people sitting with me when I was learning to do my first injections with the diabetes nurses. My whole family were there alongside me really, when nobody was allowed cake on a Sunday at my Grandmother's anymore because I wasn't 'allowed' it, but none of them complained.
The Father of the bride |
It's coming up to a year since I got married last July and as I mentioned when I blogged about it back then, my diabetes was still a consideration on my wedding day, because diabetes stops for no person. They say a picture speaks a thousand words and I think these pictures above and below say a lot about how family are able to support us in managing our diabetes. Whether it's showing concern for how your BG levels are doing or just holding your diabetes kit bag whilst you test. Either way, I'm incredibly grateful for family support this Father's Day and everyday, thanks Dad!
My dad, diabetes kit bag in hand and smiling |
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