Well, it was touch and go whether we were going to get to India at all, just a few short hours ago. As the rain started flurrying down back in the UK, getting heavier as we made our way to the airport. When we arrived, we were greeted by streams of people queueing to check-in and by those who had had their flights cancelled because of the adverse weather conditions. No sooner were we called for our flight, then we were told it was delayed by what turned out to be 4 hours in the end, flying at 1:30am instead of 9pm.
Getting ready to fly |
I've recently shared about preparing my diabetes kit on social media, for the 'just in case' scenarios that can arise when you're travelling, especially long-haul, when you have diabetes. And it's occasions such as this that I prepare as much as I can and carry my medical equipment in my hand luggage. However, we arrived to India by late afternoon local time the next day in time for a quick meal and bed, ready to enjoy our first full day in Mumbai!
Kitted up with diabetes tech to explore Mumbai |
We began our exploration of the city with a tour around the real-life locations of the film Slumdog Millionaire, taking in the incredible Victoria terminus train station. The way there was an adventure too, as the incredible wildlife swirled around us as we saw parrots and eagles, with more domesticated animals such as buffalos and goats. We then made our way to the Taj Palace Hotel which was magnificent and overlooks Mumbai Harbour and the location of the Gateway of India.
Scanning at the Gateway of India |
Arriving here at the hottest part of the day, I was really thankful for my CGM and the suspend before low function. I had reduced my basal beforehand, know that I'd be walking around, however I don't think it was soon enough. Or the sun was a lot stronger than I'd initially realised and acted on the insulin to drop my levels, which was a little challenging. But I wanted to give myself a full day before making changes to my basal insulin, which I've since done in an attempt to prevent the pump needing to suspend before low tomorrow.
'Diet' coke |
After seeing the Gateway of India we went for our first meal in the famous Leopold restaurant. I chose a diet coke to drink and panicked when it came, and it looked like the picture. The 'cola light' looks so different in India that I initially thought it was full sugar, but when you look very closely, you can actually see that it is diet. We also enjoyed our first authentic Indian curry when we got home, cooked by a family friend. So far the experience of India has been a real eye-opener between the weather, hustle and bustle, new smells and noise. Next stop is Delhi so be sure to follow my Twitter (@MelStephenson01) and Insta (@LifeSportandDiabetes) for updates!
My first truly Indian curry- chicken biryani |
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